What is the Wizard's Chest?
Treasury description.
The Wizard's Chest is a treasury Chest that plays a very important role in Yieldzard's YASP protocol. It provides three extremely critical functions for the growth and sustainability of Yieldzard as a token and also as a project.
The chest functions as an additional financial support for the YCF. This additional support can become important in the event of an extreme price drop off the $YLZ token. It helps to create a floor value for the $YLZ token.
The wizard's chest is also used to fund new Yieldzard products, services, and projects that will expand and build up the YAP use cases and Yieldzard economy. An example of these products is a Play-2-Earn game of Wizards that we will start developing with our industry specialists.
Additionally, the chest provides funding for marketing Yieldzard.
Chest wallet: 0xDeE626325a46aF73D3b4cF44431e42d57d0267D7
Last updated